Monday, March 21, 2016

Monday March 21, 2016

News flash!

Lois has been missing for quite some time, but she is back and ready to start blogging.

Just posted on my craft page, now I will try to get a quick post on here. 

Since I last posted, I have retired, my husband was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer and it has been just over a year since they told him he only had a year.

We are moving along. Trying not to pay any attention to where we are in that time line. we have done many things, both natural and chemical, as in chemo and radiation. He has good days and bad, but still seems to be doing pretty good as far as I am concerned. He does have trouble getting enough air and tires very easily, but seems to be in no pain, which I am thankful for. He gets around freely, without help and has totally retained his senses. Today, though, he was complaining about a smell/taste that is in his mouth. Says it is horrible. I asked him what it tasted like and he said, "death."

As I start to post maybe on a daily or weekly basis, I will go more into how he is doing, and how things are effecting him.

Until then, have a good day and hopefully I will talk at ya soon.

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