Monday, November 22, 2004

Can it be the end of November Already?

Hello out there. I cannot believe it is the end of November already. Where has the time gone and What in the world have I done with it?

Who knows. But here I am again. I had almost forgotten about my blog. My mom has been sick, I have had gall bladder surgery, I am looking for a home for my puppy and life just never slows down.

Mom is getting better and I will be fine. Hope I find a really good home for my baby girl Sadie. A woman in Duluth Minnesota is interested. Wow that is far away. Almost 600 miles.

Friday, September 03, 2004

The Hunter's Widow

Well, today is the beginning of my hunting widowhood.
No, hunting season hasn't started yet. But my sweetie is off to the land to put deer stands in more trees. Clear the branches from around his deer stands and otherwise just be busy looking for deer sign.

I will be a hunter's widow until early January. Short widowhood, I know, but a lonely one never the less. At the beginning, its kind of like, "Okay, see ya when you get back." and life goes on, but by the end of December, it will be "You're leaving me again!!!! and for howwwww long?"

Every year, I think I will get used to it, or we will be at the point in our relationship where I will not miss him near as much, but it just doesn't happen.

He is only gone a few hours now and I already miss him a lot. What to do with me while he is gone?

Maybe I will get my house cleaned, organized, and do some knitting, crocheting, or what have you. Maybe buy a new book to read or rent a movie. Or Maybe I'll just play on the computer all weekend. No, that's sick. Need to do something else for a change.

Hunter Widows Unite.
Let's keep each other company while they are gone.

Friday, August 27, 2004

This is our youngest dog, Sadie. She is getting close to 1 year old. Cute little cocker. Posted by Hello

Thursday, August 26, 2004

And it's Thursday

Well, yesterday we had to get a new water pump for our well and now our water is very dirty looking for a few days. But, at least we have water now.

Today, I am going to clean house, take a shower and go and get my hair cut. Sometimes it feels like if I don't tell myself over and over the things I need to do, they just never get done.
My house has gotten away from me. Totally. I feel depressed and do not know, am I depressed because my house has gotten away from me, and everything else really too, or have all these things happened because I am depressed.

I am a perfect con artist and nobody else knows I am depressed. When I am around anybody I pretend all is well with me. But inside, that is another story. Do they all wonder what happened to the mom/wife who used to keep the house clean and remember to make meals?

Am I depressed because I spend too much time on the computer, or do I spend too much time on the computer because I am depressed and it is an escape?

I said in the beginning that I don't know who I am or who I want to be. That is true. I am almost 52 years old and I don't have a clue who I am. I am so easily led by what others want or what they think. I feel as if I have never learned to think on my own. Or to feel that my opinion has any value, if I do think on my own. Sometimes I wonder if there are other people like me out there. Are we this way because of being middle children? Or because our thinking processes never developed properly? What is our problem.

Sometimes, I have gone so far as to dream dreams, but then something gets in the way, or somebody else gets in the way. Oh well, no more dream. Should it be so easy to let your dreams go? And when you let them go, does part of you go with them? Do you start to shut down and quit dreaming. Are dreams bad anyway?

Well, I am effectively keeping myself from reaching my goals for today, so I had better get off of here and get on the ball. Hubby will come home to a dirty house and my hair will not get cut. I
like this spot and hope nobody minds that I say how I truly feel here. Maybe somebody else feels this way or has felt this way and can help me snap out of it.

Here I go. I am thinking about not posting this, because people I don't even know may judge me and find me lacking. Do we have to be happy all of the time?

Okay, I am really going to post this.

Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Well I finally got a picture on here. Hope I can remember how I did it next time. This is me with my 10 POUND catfish. I caught him a few weeks ago. He was a beauty.

And the other picture that I posted was of my youngest daughter. The one who said she was going to live with me forever a few years ago and now, never wants to be home. Life is constantly changing.
Me and my 10 poud catfish Posted by Hello

This is my youngest daughter. About a year and a half ago, she was a total tomboy and she was mine. Now, she has turned into a total "girl" and belongs to her friends. She is my last one and there is this feeling inside me, "I want my baby back."

I have 5 children and I do not remember having this feeling, nor was the change in them as drastic I don't think. Maybe I was just too busy to notice as much.

Anyway, she took this picture of herself. She holds the camera out away from her and takes pictures. She likes to do self portraits that way. But she likes to take all kinds of pictures.
Brianna Shirleen Posted by Hello

In the Beginning

Just here to learn. I have never blogged before and would like to try it. If anyone reads these pages and has suggestions, whether for blogging or for life, please feel free to let me know. All info will be considered.